crystal cook

real estate guide

Iā€™m originally from Graham, TX, but have spent most of my time living in the DFW area. I've worked in the retail industry for 20+ years, so I moved wherever the job needed me to be. I moved to the Bay Area in 2018 for work and lived there for about 2.5 years--I learned about Karl the Fog, elevated my wine game and met my amazing wife. We moved to Fort Worth in 2020 and have been living the Funkytown dream ever since!

All about crystal


Beverage of Choice: Coffee in the AM, Margs in the PM

Current obsession: Cometeer Coffee

Can't live without: Chips & Salsa

Non Profit of Choice: De Joven a Joven

Favorite Meal in Fort Worth: Fajitas from Paco's

Favorite watering hole in Fort Worth: The Holly

What do you love about your job:

Interesting Fact: My first job was at Fox Hollow on PK

Enneagram Number: 3w2